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Ethereum, and more

Simply and securely buy, sell, and manage hundreds of cryptocurrencies.


Simple to access
accurate prices rapidly.

Easily request prices by interact with xOracle's price feed contracts instantly using 'requestPrices'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 // 1. send request prices to xOracle contract function requestPrices() external { // allowance req fee IERC20(weth).approve(xOracle, type(uint256).max); bytes memory payload = ""; // no payload uint256 expired = 0; // no expiration uint256 maxGasPrice = 10e9; // 10 gwei uint256 callbackMaxGasLimit = 5000000; // 5M IXOracle(xOracle).requestPrices(payload, expired, maxGasPrice, callbackMaxGasLimit); } // 2. callback from xOracle fulfill prices function xOracleCall(uint256 _reqId, bool _priceUpdate, bytes memory _payload) external onlyXOracle { // get all latest prices (, uint256 btcPrice, , ) = IXOracle(xOracle).getLastPrice(0); // BTC (, uint256 ethPrice, , ) = IXOracle(xOracle).getLastPrice(1); // ETH (, uint256 bnbPrice, , ) = IXOracle(xOracle).getLastPrice(2); // BNB (, uint256 usdtPrice, , ) = IXOracle(xOracle).getLastPrice(3); // USDT ... }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 // # source chain // send message to endpoint contract address on the destination chain function send(address _token, uint256 _amount, uint64 _dstChainId, uint256 _dstTokenIndex, address _receiver) external payable { // get fee uint256 fee = IXOracleMessage(xOracleMessage).getFee(_dstChainId); require(msg.value >= fee, "insufficient fee"); ... // send message bytes memory payload = abi.encode(uid, srcTokenIndex, _dstTokenIndex, _amount, chainId, _dstChainId, msg.sender, _receiver); IXOracleMessage(xOracleMessage).sendMessage{ value: msg.value }(payload, endpointAddress, _dstChainId); }

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